General Questions

You can find answers to questions about network change and our new MinkPolice MP10 model here.

On which kind of traps can I use the MinkPolice trap alarm?

All possible kinds of live catch traps, including tube traps. The magnet activation mode enables you to use any kind of trap that has a movable part, which moves the magnet off the magnet switch when the trap closes. The tilt activation mode enables you to use MinkPolice with any kind of trap that has a movable part, which tilts at least 4 degrees when it shuts. Also, several types of feeding alarms can use MinkPolice, because of the tilt sensor function. The MinkPolice trap alarm has a special feeding alarm function, with a battery saving and silent mode.   

>> Some customers report that they use MinkPolice not only for traps but also for monitoring other things. Particularly an alarm system for a door in a hunting cabin, garden shed or raised hide/raised blind has been built by some of our customers, by attaching the magnet on the door in a way that it comes off the trap alarm once the door is opened. So, get creative!

Why should I only use lithium batteries in the MinkPolice trap alarm?

Even though Alkaline batteries are cheaper and conveniently available at most supermarkets, we strongly recommend to use Lithium batteries in your MinkPolice devices. And here is why:


  • Lithium batteries last much longer than normal Alkaline batteries. Lithium batteries keep their voltage over time, until a sudden drop in voltage when they become empty. This means that they can provide the necessary voltage for running MinkPolice for much longer than Alkaline batteries. So, you can use your trap alarm until the batteries are really empty.
  • Lithium batteries perform well in extreme weather conditions and are thus perfect for outdoor use and the MinkPolice trap alarm.
  • Lithium batteries are safer for devices that stay inactive for some time, e.g. when you switch off your MinkPolice devices during the closed season. They don’t leak and damage the device, as Alkaline batteries sometimes do.


>> One of our first project partners, the Hebridean Mink Project from the Scottish Natural Heritage started using 100 MinkPolice devices in 2012 and tested which batteries provide the best results. Their experience supports our recommendation: Energizer Lithium batteries are the best choice for MinkPolice.

Where can I buy lithium batteries for my MinkPolice trap alarm?

You can buy Lithium batteries for example in home improvement, hardware or photo stores. Of course you can also order them online. Make sure to buy Lithium batteries and not branded, more expensive Alkaline batteries. We also offer Energizer Ultimate Lithium batteries in our webshop.

How should I store the MinkPolice trap alarm, if it is not in use?

We recommend to keep the device in a dry place. Please remove the batteries and the magnet from the device. 

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